We would like to welcome you to our camper yard.


Find a nice spot, drive back up in, and feel at home. We appreciate it if you come to us on the day of arrival. The envelope with welcome information is waiting for you at the front desk. An extra person, car, pet or visitor? Please, let us know.


We have an sani-station and on the field there's a Drinkwater point. Two toilets are located next to the coffee house and inside there is a Shower (2 euro). On the whole yard is free Wi-Fi for you to use at your own risk. Please separate your waste in the intended containers.


Payment: Please return the envelope containing your details before you leave. Please deposit the envelop in the appropriate letterbox if we are absent.

 We have several cycle route leaflets, magazines and games you can borrow.


If you have any questions or a request, please let us know.

We wish you a pleasant stay. Ruud, Yvon, Anika and Jasper van Haren


Staying overnight on our camper yard is at your own risk.We are not liable for destruction, damage or theft of your belongings.


13 euro per night

2 euro for electricity

2 euro for a shower

1.50 euro additional person

Na overleg met eigenaar 06-22378368 en info@bbbalgoy.nl.

Open all year round.

B&B Balgoy ‘De Holtsehoek’
Houtsestraat 12
6613 AC Balgoy


The joy of sharing together with others is our priority. We like to be with family, friends and neighbors and we also like doing jobs and gardening in and around the yard.